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The Medical industry is perhaps the most lagging industry in terms of digitization mainly due to patient privileges and the fear of leaked classified information. The sheer amount of hand-written data serves as a stumbling block to transferring medical data and protocols into the digital world.


Commitigo for Healthcare has the solution by providing maximum protection for the medical data in the system. Once the data is digitized and transferred to the system, the relevant physician or nurse will have access to the patient's medical history and similar cases from the allocated data set, to assure the best treatment. 


Key Attributes 

  1. Enables nurses to work away from their individual station or even at home

  2. Systematic and accurate responses for all types of patients, even for the same patient as he returns for a check-up

  3. Documentation of protocols for future and digital use

  4. Hand written protocols are digitized, eliminating paper use 

  5. Better Healthcare for the Patient


Additional Benefits

Once Commitigo is handed to the customer, he or she will receive a list of previously created categories from which to divide and analyze. The categories are created by our experienced team of expert Healthcare professionals who have studied and understand the industry needs.  Commitigo will provide the basis for the engagement and will allow for future expansion.


Once receiving the pre-made categories, customers are expected to create their own categories as they so choose.

Medical Protocols and Research
Fraud Detection

As the economy moves forward towards a more interactive online world, the impact on the financial world, specifically E-commerce and E-payments, is prevalent.


Identity theft and fraudulent online behavior has plagued the internet since the beginning. At a time when our online identity is equivalent to our physical one, the amount of stored data is immense and as the need to take tighter security measures rises exponentially 


With Commitigo Finance for Fraud Detection, managers and risk assessment professionals have a much more secure method of protection and prediction. Whereas existing methods mostly generate reports based on damage that has already been caused, Commitigo takes preemptive measures by  identifying and learning of potential risks before they even occur by leveraging a powerful AI prediction engine.  


Key Attributes

  1. The ability to know the risk for every visitor and user

  2. On-demand analysis of all suspicious E-payment activities

  3. Avoid costly mistakes while focusing resources on your legitimate customers


Additional Benefits

Commitigo comes with pre-made data sets that are based on past knowledge and experience with fraud detection and analysis. This allows for quick deployment which can be further customized later.


Commitigo Finance is a business decision-making solution that allows financial institutions to easily analyze, identify and then determine the individual's proper credit score and/or the approval rate of a loan.


For a “financial agent” (banker, insurance agent, etc.) to accurately determine the potential risk in giving out a loan to a certain individual, he or she must analyze vast amounts of historical and empirical data comprising income level, educational information, prior loans and payments and much more. Commitigo Finance’s easy to navigate UI enables the agent to get better results faster by simply uploading the data into Commitigo for processing. 


Key Attributes

  1. Faster time to market for financial products

  2. Higher accuracy for credit scoring 

  3. Real-time risk calculation

  4. Instant loan approval process

  5. Data-driving financial decisions


Additional Benefits

Commitigo for Finance includes an extensive initial list of useful characteristics and clusters which help in creating and identifying the immediate risks in one’s application and scoring.  The customer can then create his/her own list of characteristics to produce even more accurate results.

Credit Scoring and Loan Approval

Workforce management is a crucial aspect of overall employee satisfaction and productivity, and a most challenging task for HR management. Commitigo for WFM enables employees to arrange their work hours and even choose whom to work with, helping to achieve optimal workforce planning and predicting for every shift. The software is implemented in some of the largest customer service departments in Israel, including Cellcom, Bezek International and Pelephone.


Key Attributes

  1. Setting and achieving the highest service KPIs

  2. Improving organizational efficiency by

    1. Predicting the precise number of service representatives

    2. Shortening the time spent on workforce planning and predicting

  3. Improving employee satisfaction by providing them the shifts and co-workers they requested and are most comfortable to work with

  4. Real-time monitoring and reporting to relevant users


Additional Benefits

Commitigo creates a win-win opportunity, enabling employers to focus on future strategy and planning while making sure that the shifts are managed most efficiently and that customers enjoy shorter wait times and better service. 

Workforce Management (WFM)

Online Marketing and Advertising is a relatively new field, and accurate ways to analyze and predict online campaign success remain a major challenge for advertising agencies.


Commitigo for Online Marketing helps to determine campaign ROI, assisting Marketing/Brand Managers to select the most successful campaign while focusing their activities and projects more productively.


Key Attributes

  1. Estimating campaign success prior to launch

  2. On demand and real-time analysis for on-going campaigns

  3. List of relevant influencers to choose from to boost campaign success

  4. Dashboard of relevant data inquires


Additional Benefits

Commitigo for Online Marketing comes with pre-programmed data sets based on historical data and knowledge, helping to boost campaign results from the start.   

Online Marketing Analysis

Stock and commodity trading has undergone a major transformation in recent years. Today, an increasing number of investment firms and private investors rely on AI to make financial decisions that assist in trading and potentially earning more profit.


Commitigo Finance evaluates Securities, Bonds and Stocks by their past and present market activities to ensure best results. The advanced system analyzes statistics generated by the market such as past prices and volumes, and then makes predictions as to the right commodity to buy or sell at the given moment. Commitigo improves ROI for investors as they can analyze more information in less time for higher returns.


Key Attributes

1. Fully automated system frees up time for investors to concentrate on more important business and client-related issues 

• Generates data and makes crucial split second decisions when the trade is still relevant.

2. Reduces cost and improves ROI


Additional Benefits

Commitigo's ability to simultaneously analyze both large and small transactions gives it an advantage over other AI powered systems. Financial institutions can potentially make more profit with less effort while providing their clients the utmost service.

Algo Trading Solutions

Predictive Life Time Value, also known as Customer Life Time Value (CLV), is one of the most important aspects in customer satisfaction and retention.  CLV allows managers to make decisions on critical questions such as: How much should an organization spend to acquire or retain a new customer? Who are the most profitable customers?Commitigo for CLV Marketing serves Sales and Business Development managers from every industry as a reliable tool to improve their customer strategy and more, all of this with a quick ROI and better bottom line.


Key Attributes

  1. Better understanding of the customer value, present and future

  2. Approaching the right customer segments and investing accordingly

  3. More time for managers to deal with strategy and crucial decisions

  4. Optimal allocation of resources 


Additional Benefits

By implementing Commitigo for CLV Marketing, you put yourself at the forefront of automated decision-making solutions. The system automatically takes data logs and analyzes the data, deciding which data to mine and under what circumstances, including creating detailed data sheets and more.

Predictive Life Time Value

Commitigo for Pricing Optimization constructs the most beneficial and productive pricing strategy based on customer type, volumes, competitor pricing, special events, as well as other factors in order to maximize the margin per transaction and customer.

The software relies on diverse internal and external factors, creating the best outcomes and strategies tailored to your company’s business needs. Commitigo has developed a unique, comprehensive and ready-to-use data set and dashboard functionality that delivers precise and relevant information related to your industry and product or service, taking into account past experiences and market behavior among other factors.


Key Attributes

  1. Covers standard products and services through extensive development

  2. Enables companies to reach for strategic KPIs such as marginal revenue and profit

  3. Automated pricing adjustments according to supply and demand

  4. Customer retention through competitive pricing 


Additional Benefits

Price is the most visible and most important aspect of corporate strategy. Any slight improvement in margin can have a significant impact on earnings.

Research shows that when frequently purchased, high volume items are placed into fixed margins, using Commitigo for incidental, low volume sales may be the key to higher profit.

Pricing Optimization

To succeed in today’s volatile market, sales-oriented organizations must have the ability to predict and the agility to react. Such organizations face challenges  predicting demand, ensuring just-in-time manufacturing and aligning the entire supply chain to react to this demand. Sales prediction is an integral part of business management and an important component of the overall planning cycle, namely predicting the future using historical performance and industry trends together with analysis of expected market conditions.


The focus of current planning models is primarily inward-driven. Market and external factors are ignored, leading to huge inaccuracies and unexpected demands. These models also fail to factor in other parameters such as secondary sales, competitor data, seasonal data and past schemes. It therefore comes as no surprise that economists are usually poor at predicting sales trends largely due to their bias towards certain outcomes. CSO Insight’s 2016 Sales Performance Optimization Study showed that the average accuracy of forecasted sales deals is only 45.8%. 


Key Attributes

  1. Accurate sales predictions

  2. Rapid simulations and scenario analysis

  3. Automatic system-based prediction

  4. Simulation of parameters based on field knowledge

  5. Capacity and/or resource planning

  6. Inventory and raw material management


Additional Benefits

Sales Predictions using scientific algorithms will be designed separately for each customer based on his/her own characteristics and factors. This will enable customers to leverage the data coming in and achieving the maximum potential from Commitigo for Sales. Our Expert team can also provide previously created KPIs for such measurements, which are based on our accumulated knowledge and data sharing with our partners.

Sales Prediction
Up-Sell Cross-Sell

The economy is rapidly changing and highly dependent on information and technology. The quality of information and its processing speed determines who holds the competitive edge. With the aid of Commitigo for Sales, input data such as purchased items, quantity and price of goods, consumer information and more, is obtained from the user’s browser history and analyzed by management to put together a most suitable offer for each specific customer. This is mostly used for cross-sell and at times for for up-sell.


Customers service is another important aspect. Many sellers and re-sellers have failed to understand the needs and priorities of their customers which have in turn caused a severe customer-seller gap. Commitigo uses electronic technologies and the internet to understand the need and to provide customers with the necessary products and prices based on the customer’s searches,  desires, wishes and more. All of this is determined without client intervention leveraging Commitigo's superior data analysis.


Key Attributes

  1. Finds the right product at the right time for the right customer

  2. Allows for more targeted advertisements

  3. Increases conversion of the sales pipeline


Additional Benefits

Commitigo for Sales gives your organization a clear advantage by predicting the customers' next move. Our unique system points you in the right direction with every inquiry and at every decision-making intersection. This provides managers the freedom to focus on clients and strategy while Commitigo automatically defines and analyzes the data, ultimately providing the best outcome for the client and organization.   





Contact Us:



153 W. 27th Street,

Suite 802 
New York, NY 10001



Tel: +1 (646)652-8267




4 Hatnufa Street 
Kiryat Arye 
Petach Tikva

P.O Box 3982, 

Phone: 972-77-929-5555




Pröllstraße 17 
D-86157 Augsburg 



Tel: +49 821 455482888



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